Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. 
Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives—and we publish it. 
2 Cor. 3:3

Give hope beyond the margins. Impact donors are rewriting the story, and we’re publishing it.

Your giving transforms faith communities by funding the creation of our written resources and leadership development programs that empower leaders to lead in their own context.

100% of proceeds from these resource materials then go on to benefit the vulnerable and their local communities.

Here's how it works…

church leadership development programs
  • You are energized by innovative organizations that exist to close the gap between excessive profit and the marginalized.

  • You believe in the power of the gospel and written word to further the kingdom. 

  • You believe in the local church and their leaders and want to see them empowered to grow and develop. 

We are passionate about localizing leadership:
  • Authentic, localized leadership has taken a backseat to cultural Christian celebrity leadership. Most discipleship resources marketed to local churches are designed to appeal to mass markets, which means they haven’t been developed to improve the health or function of localized demographics and the unique needs they have.

Do I have to buy a resource to become a donor?
  • No, in fact, it is our donors that enable us to make these resources. Our donors are the gatekeepers of the CommonPlace mission. You help us develop leaders through resourced development and workshops. When you give, you will know that you are investing the the local church and the people they care for.

We’re determined to create change.

CommonPlace resources have been market-tested in local church communities and have successfully improved spiritual growth and leadership teams. 

nonprofit partners
nonprofit partners

It is in no way an exaggeration to say that in my 17 years as a pastor I have seen few initiatives as inspiring as CommonPlace, and few leaders as gifted as Megan Johnson. The many opportunities I've had to collaborate with Megan over the years have all been marked by compassionate engagement, top-shelf content, and fruitful results. Whether you are shepherding a large group, or just trying to steward the God-given ideas within you faithfully, your community and your creativity will be in good hands. 

  • Brian McCormack, Lead Pastor at Reach Church 
nonprofit partners

Partnering with CommonPlace has been a gift to us. Megan‘s selfless, servant-heart has helped encourage us to step out on the pathway Jesus is paving ahead. Working with CommonPlace has truly been a turning point for both of us in our faith walks. We have been infused with courage and confidence to step up in leadership. Megan is a leader who truly exudes Jesus’ love, and is so helpful and accessible to work with. We feel very blessed to be connected to CommonPlace!  

  • Katie Winter, Arbor Church Women’s Ministry Lead
nonprofit partners

CommonPlace adds value to people’s lives and the community as a whole. We believe in the mission wholeheartedly and are so thankful to be a part of it. 

  • The Mullen Family 
nonprofit partners

The unique model that Commonplace offers has the ability to impact countless lives as they not only equip, but empower individuals to live out their unique callings. This is truly the body of Christ in action.

  • The Sessions Family 

  • I can't even begin to describe the blessing this resource has been for me and my life. The topic, worship, teachings, community, Word, timing, all of it.

    • - Angie, CommonPlace Curriculum User

    I went into this with very little knowledge on the actual Bible study theme and the way it resonates with my life is unbelievable, I’m so thankful.

    • - Hope Against Hope Participant

    This study, and our connection with Megan, felt like it came at the perfect time. Just as God was undoubtedly calling us forward to lead together, our friendship with Megan was beginning and growing. We'd attended a CommonPlace Retreat, and through some very impactful listening prayer experiences, we felt encouraged to draw women into hope at Arbor through leading the Women's Ministry. Hope Against Hope feels like a lantern Jesus is using, lighting the path forward to healing and renewal in our church community.

    • - Hope Against Hope Participant

    CommonPlace Is an organization that is moving the Kingdom of God forward in cohesion and service. Their mission to resource the under-resourced leaders is something we feel excited to support, and get behind. We have been blessed by Megan, her time, her wisdom in ministry, and her willingness to encourage us on the path of leadership. We hope to see CommonPlace flourish, and we are excited to take advantage of the resources Megan has poured her heart for Jesus into.

    • - Hope Against Hope Participant

    These Bible studies are so appropriate for so many of us. There is a lot of anxiety in our society and we all need a large helping of hope. It is time to get the word out on this study because it speaks so poignantly to this acute time of need.

    • - Consider the Ravens Participant

    This study forced vulnerability (in a good way) and I made deeper connections with people that I normally wouldn’t have.

    • - Consider the Ravens Participant

  • As a local leader Megan is making a difference with her words of encouragement. Megan, who is creative and kind; worked with the Chelan Valley Housing Trust in creating media content for their social media platforms in 2020-2021. Megan continues as a “super connector” and Chelan Valley Housing Trust wants to acknowledge her altruistic leadership as well as her non-profit CommonPlace’s financial donation so we can continue to provide housing for those who are below the median income.

    • - Yola, Chelan Valley Housing Trust

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